Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quotes Frame Story

Quote directly following lede:

"It was very clear that Kendrick Morris was as guilty as hell," jury foreman Robin Richter told the St. Petersburg Times.

End of Story:

Richter says she's an animal advocate who prefers to focus on furry creatures than human ones.

"The more that I learn about people, the more I'm disappointed in humans," she said


The journalist has used the words of this juror (Robin Richter) to frame her entire story. Richter's spoken words reveal critical plot info ---- the fact that Morris is guilty, but his insertion of "guilty as hell" is very powerful. Also, his words placed in the last line are a very apt ending to a story reporting someone's guilt of a heinous rape. The story almost ends with a formulated conclusion. It ends with a the judgement passed about humans as a whole (Richter's words). But this is done without the journalist actually generating a conclusion herself. Conclusion: Quotes can be incredibly powerful!

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