Friday, December 10, 2010

Another story befitting festive times!

This is a story about gift-wrapping and decoration with an immigration angle to it (we were discussing in last class).

What strikes me is development of characters (Theresa and Mariangela) and their relationship that comes out very clearly. Mariangela comes across as this hungry-for- respect woman who is very wary of how her image is being portrayed to outsiders. Angry that her elder sister asks her to get coffee but still sticking to work in her sibling's business.

Talking about confirming from other sources, this story is about the two sisters with quotes from only two of them! Yet entertaining if not educating.

1 comment:

  1. It's a well-crafted and original twist. I may be completely wrong, but I don't think the piece requires quotes by anyone else. The purpose of the story seems to be to relate the culture/portray relationships, rather than convey credible info or specifically profile someone. Keeping it at the sisters is what seems to make the story more effective. The lead relates that immediately:

    Theresa Petrone is better at tying bows. Her younger sister, Mariangela Petrone, is better with the paper. That, at least, is what Theresa thinks.

    Anyway, I really liked this piece! It's a good example of a more obscure story and is not the most likely thing to be found in a newspaper.
