Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brilliant Human Interest Story!!!

Someone shared this human interest story with me. It's a lot longer than anything we are used to reading. I wanted to share it with everyone because I was so impressed by it. The story is well-written, captivating and incredibly compelling. The vivid details and the brilliant quotes make it one of the most powerful stories I have ever read! I think the descriptive paragraphs can serve as wonderful examples in terms of style and sentence structure. The sentences are short and precise. Despite its long length, the story is very easy to read and follow. After reading this story, I seem to really understand what the professor meant when she said PACING. For a journalist to write a story with these kind of intimate details, I imagine the depth of research, interviewing and eye-witnessing must have been extensive.

Here is the link:
"Above and Beyond" by Wright Thompson

I really recommend this to anyone that has time!

FYI...If everything goes according to plan, the miners might get to evacuate on Wednesday, October 13th.

1 comment:

  1. It is indeed a very touching hence powerful story. I loved how the story began with Lobos soccer days and went to him being a miner. Because of these two phases of life covered, I think it is well-worth its size.
    I like the succinct quotes, short sentences an the many nuances of the story: survival in the mine, from soccer star to miner, and the myriad of emotions. An excellent example of a part of news story converted into a long feature!
