Monday, October 18, 2010


This is a great example of media desperate to weave feature stories out of a news story: rescue of Chilean miners.
The quote: “I’ve had nightmares these days,” Mr. Reygadas said from the cramped tent, as reporters jostled for space. “But the worst nightmare is all of you,” I feel is very powerful. When we as journalists are asked to go out here and ask questions to victims in a bid to get the best quotes and exclusive stories; victim's mental & physical state cannot be ignored.
It also reveals to me how people try to milk any opportunity. While most of the miners cared for pesos to give interviews, families of some were content with sidra or "dignity and kindness"!

1 comment:

  1. This is a bit disappointing. I was so taken by this whole ordeal with the Chilean miners. I thought it was such a wonderful example of touching and good news. The news coverage of that aspect of this ordeal was truly crafted more like a human interest feature. I was literally looking for stories to read more background about it because I had become so vested in these miners' lives and I was so concerned about their safe rescue. However, I guess its really true that there are two sides to almost everything.
